Just thinking about the California fires and the news of insurance companies backing out on their paying customers' policies. This is akin to the insurance firms dropping Floridian customers due to hurricanes. It’s disgusting they can do that,and it’s just simply so itdoesn’t affect the stock price. That nonsense is so fucked up.

To me companies in the Insurance, Pharmaceutical, and Health Care should be forbidden to be publicly traded. That leads to corruption and insance policies that have no base in logic or fairness. If they. cant run their businesses on the prices they charge and need outside influence, fire the leadership and get people who can. I am not really for government influence or input, but some situations need them. I wouldn’t be totally against them helping these firms, to a point. I ideally would love to see a national healthcare system, even if it’s the same as Canada’s. I thought the ACA and the hype the Democrats built it up meant the national guard was going to take over the health insurance firms. What we got was mediocre plans at premium prices. It’s somehing at least.