Bravo “reality” shows are just pro wrestling shows with Prada bags
I love pro wrestling. I have since I was 9. It’s a fun diversion from things and I am always impressed with the physical and theatrical aspects of it. It entertains me. People mock it, but that’s ok. I do find humor with women mocking it but have the audacity to say the Bravo reality shows are somehow higher brow entertainment.
I and my wife went to a live show of her favorite podcast at Town Hall in Manhattan last weekend. It was a fun show, and sold out as well. Seeing the clips of the Bravo shows and the guests who were people from the show, it just made me think that:
A. Like most reality shows, ITS A FUCKING WORK, and the shows use old school promoter tactics to keep it looking legit.
B. The “real” housewives or whoever is featured on these shows are just cutting promos and doing made up angles, or worse, the “worked-shoot” angle where it’s all bullshit but has a tinge of real-life to keep the audience guessing.
C. Podcasts like the one we saw and the ton of others about these shows are no different than the wrestling podcasters and “reporters”. Those who read/listen to them are the same (me included): a bunch of marks thinking it’s cool to find out about the backstage dramas.
D. Most Wrestling fans have a look, so do most of Bravo shows use old fans do as well. Bravo show fans look like unstable white women living their lives through these shows. Thank God my wife isn’t one of them.
So to say one is “better” than the other is like saying one is the nicest guy in prison.