: Posting this as often as I can. Let’s see how long it takes me to get tossed off X
: Bravo “reality” shows are just pro wrestling shows with Prada bags I love pro wrestling. I have since I was 9. It’s a fun diversion from things and I am always …
: Data Analysis update I have been learning data anaysis software and languages. So far I have been exposed to languages …
: Fly, Eagles Fly The Super Bowl is coming up, and I am backing the Eagles to win it. I have no issues with the …
: Confirmation hearings are pathetic to watch and the people running them are as well Imagine this: You get an opportunity to interview for a job. You have to have your background …
: Just thinking about the California fires and the news of insurance companies backing out on their …
: FINALLY!!! Domain and site are connected
: so, my domain isn’t pointing to my page yet. Haven’t done domain stuff in a while. Fun …
: Welcome to the NEW petemarus.com!!! At least I hope it’s working at this point. I was on …
: Congestion pricing: all you people who had a hard-on for it and got what you wanted better hold the …
: Yesterday my daughter and I opened up one of her gifts: a Playshifu reading and vocabulary game that …
: I will write more later, but a couple of things: -Copilot is better than ChatGPT as far as I’m …
: My observations of various social media platforms: -X is the purest form of free speech once you get …
: One of the reasons the division is so deep in the country is how segregated people choose to be. I …
: I’m also thinking of ditching SquareSpace and moving my domain to here, so I can post shorter things …
: I am also thinking about how I have felt the last several days, where I feel like I am stupid, and …
: Feeling sad given the time of year. Staying home this Thanksgiving because daughter is sick. …
: First post on micro.blog Seeing how well this works and maybe use this for posting all my thoughts, …