by Peter Marus

I happened to catch the classic movie "48 hrs." on cable a few times, and I always find it extremely entertaining. It was when Eddie Murphy was funny, Nick Nolte played the perfect drunk. I also like the fact that the actors who play Ganz and Luther were also in another classic film "the Warriors" (playing Ajax and Luther respectively), and it had the crazy indian from "Predator".

Speaking of movies, I got "the Dark Knight" on Blu-ray today and it was AMAZING!!! Some were pissed with the surround sound on a little too high, but that's not my problem. Heath ledger did an amazing job a the Joker, and blew the original bar set by Jack Nickelson way too high.

So the Mets picked up a player named Putz, I can't wait for the day when this happens at Citi Field:

Finally, I think I found the perfect press secretary for the new administration (from yet another classic film-"Spies Like Us":